Friday, November 12, 2010

Who would have thought?!

You know you have the greatest gift of friendship when the special people in your life go above and beyond the call of duty!! For me, several keep doing it time and time again...THANK YOU!!

Take yesterday, Your girlfriend picks you up and basically spends all afternoon at your side (ok, maybe more like a week) searching for a non-existent object. The poor trooper keeps presenting you with beautiful objects, yet all she hears is naw...not what I'm looking for. The biggest problem is, I don't have a clue either!

Hours after she drops you off, I'm standing looking out the kitchen window watching the leaves fall and it hits me! Staring back in my face IS the object I've been looking for all along! Window screen material. So, after feverishly digging around in my anything but organized garage I find the roll of screen. The things that excite me sometimes even worry me!

As I'm cutting up the material, I get a text message from the above mentioned wondering what I was doing. (her ears must have been burning) because in the back of your head, you're thinking SHE would think you've lost your mind! Surprisingly enough, you share with her and all she says is: Ookaaayyyy...on my way!

Amazingly enough, she no longer flinches when she sees your latest 'in the middle' inspiration. I guess what frightened me the most was she predicting my next move. Thanks Bec for all your help!

Sometimes your odd inspirations work beautiful and sometimes they don't! This time, minus a few Band-Aids, it was even better! The window screen material made the perfect stiff bow, yet the texture is spectacular!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Cindy! You come up with the most creative things!
